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Arriving in Ghana - the Process, Entry Requirements, Currency Exchange, and More.

Updated: Mar 7, 2020

Akwaaba! (Welcome!) You’ve arrived in Ghana. Here's everything you need to know about the arrival process, including requirements and currency exchange.

Once you arrive into Ghana and feel the African sun, you’ll be bursting with excitement (and, if you’re from the U.S. like I am, you’ll quickly be checking as to if you’re able to shed a layer)! Here’s what you need to know about arriving at Kotoka International Airport in Accra, Ghana.

Entry to Ghana

The first thing you will be met with after entering the international terminal will be a barrier of agents requesting for your Vaccination Card. This is required for entry into Ghana and is checked for even before you could proceed to the Customs area. Yellow Fever Vaccination is the only required vaccination to enter the country, and costs approximately $375 to get the shot. You should plan this as part of your vacation costs, as it is not regularly covered by insurance. If you plan on continuing to go to Ghana, you will need a booster dose every 10 years. The card (picured below) can be trifolded and kept in the back of your passport/ passport holder.

Here is a sample vaccination card, courtesy of the Center of Disease Control.

The process of showing the agents your card is relatively simple, as there is no line to do this. It’s more of a setting where the barrier of agents are asking for your Yellow Fever card, and you just show them and pass through. But, though it’s not necessary as strictly organized as Customs, they still won’t let you pass if you don’t have it. To be honest, this step in the process takes about 30 seconds or less.

When preparing to travel to Ghana, my physician also gave me a regiment of Anti-malaria tablets to take both before traveling and while I was there, and antibiotics for general travelers' purposes. Your personal Specialist may also give you other preventative vaccinations based on your vaccination history. Because I was up-to-date with all the needed vaccinations, I only received the Anti-malaria tablets and antibiotics. All of these, however, are only personal preventative measures. The only required vaccination to enter Ghana is the Yellow Fever Vaccination. I found this USA Today article helpful with vaccination suggestions.


Next you will proceed to the Customs line. In fact, you will immediately join the line after passing the previous step. As I mentioned in my post about flights to Ghana (and of course depending on your particular airline), you will already have an Customs form that you will have filled out in the later part of the flight. If you didn’t get the chance to fill it out then, there are also stations both around this area and on the walk from the terminal to this area that will have extra forms and lots of pens.

Truthfully, the processes and lines for Customs moves very efficiently. There is a line for Visitors and a line for Citizens, much like you find at any other international airport. They check that you have obtained a Visa (should that be required – as it is for US Citizens) and that your form is properly filled out. They may also ask you a few questions, as is typical when entering a foreign country. They snap your photo and then you are released with a stamp. What I personally love about Ghana though, is that the agents are genuinely excited for you to visit their country, so they make the process comfortable.

***Detailed information on obtaining a visa is at the end of this post***

Baggage Claim

After passing through Customs and Immigration, you’ll be cheerfully welcomed (as always per Ghanaian tradition) by Military or C.I.S. Agents in security, and head to baggage claim. People will be here to assist you if needed. Security may also check your luggage claim ticket with your airline ticket as a safe measure (and one that I very much appreciate). From here, you can head to the Taxi/ Uber pickup, or to Currency Exchange.

Currency Exchange

The currency in Ghana is called the Ghana Cedi.

(photo courtesy of World Remit)

There is an outlet in the back left of the airport terminal that allows you to exchange currency. I always exchange my currency there and it is always super-fast and convenient! And, you’ll be all set to venture out without having to worry about having the proper denomination of money. I find this important in case you need to stop for anything along the way, or decide to buy something from a road-side vendor (i.e. plantain chips, bottle of water, etc.)


Pickup Area

After all is said and done, and you have your bags in-hand and you’ll head out to the Taxi/ Uber area. Uber is a vibrant part of Ghana’s everyday life and I highly recommend it. As with any time you use Uber, be sure to verify the license, name, etc. of the driver and then you’ll be on your way! Next check out my post about the Best Things to do in Ghana!

Have fun!


Obtaining a Visa

Obtaining a visa was relatively straightforward, and I went through the process independently. I sent passport-style photo, filled out application, my Passport, and a few other items in a first-class mail envelope (able to be tracked) to the Ghana Embassy in Washington DC. And because I chose the rushed service, I received my passport back with a Ghana Visa within 5 business days. I chose the rushed service solely based on the fact that I cherish my Passport and didn't want it out of my site for longer than it had to be. But there are many options! Below is a list of what to include in your envelope (taken from the Embassy website):

  • Original Passport

  • 2 most recent Passport size photographs with white background ( NO SELFIE PICTURES) attached to your application

  • Copy of your online application received in your email as attachment or fill, print and sign PDF application form

  • Supporting Documents if applicable

  • Money Order or Cashier’s check made payable to The Embassy of Ghana Washington DC

  • Self Address prepaid trackable return label and envelope or receipt of your online postage payment

For US citizens, check out more details and service options here at the Ghanaian Embassy website.

If you're ready to experience beautiful Ghana, fill out your application now!

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